entryku bersalam hr ni..hehe...well..sem 3 da officially, now da nk blik ke penang...lpas kul 12 centu, ak akn menerjah bukit jalil..haha...hope ad la tket tym2 sbnqnya nk travel wktu siang guna bas ni..huhu..yela..nk kn pk nk solat kat mn..n klo kat pudu, bleh le ak jamak kat surau pudu kat bukit jalil, so far, ak xnpk lg katna dy pny surau..huhu...then, konfem la ak smpai lpas asar..or even worse lpas maghrib..huhu...erm..xpa2..akn ku cr gak katna suraunya..huhu
hurm..sbnqnya tulis entry ni just nk ckp..manusia ni xsama...otak dy lain xsememstinya pk ap yg kita tgh pk..btl x??xbtl ek..huhu..tgk tu..cth trbaik utk ckp mnusia xsmstinya pk bnda yg that, if we came out with something new or a new idea, or a comment about a situation....we should not think that we are the person that have the best ideas..people see the world with their own perpective..if not, there will only one profession on this world, one colour, and etc... sapa2 yg xsetuju?huhu...its up to u..ak taw semua org xsama..n that's y akn terjadinya break up dlm hbgn centa..sbnya, both of them da xleh nk pk bnda yg sama or xserasi..maybe..then, look at ur blog..we have different layout, color, template..bla3...npk x ketidaksamaan pemikiran tu..huhu...even girls..ok, let me say, woman...tym kat dapuq, msti rimas kan klo nk msk ngn org lain..tmbh2 plak org lain tu lg dasat skill memasak dy...haha..kita ngn cara kta, dy dgn cara dy..hoho..kdg2 kita bleh cope ngn org tu then bleh msk dgn sedapnya bia dua resei bergabung..n kdg2 lingkup dauq tu n brmsm muka sb cr msk xsama n both keep claiming yg dy msk lg sedap..hoho..naya ja..hehe...
so, for me..utk elakkan bnda2 yg xbest ni jd disebabkan otak yg xsama pemikiran tu, both xleh nk degil ngn pndpt dy terima gak pndpt org lain..bukan sururh goyah ngn pndpt just adapt n terima apa org lain ckp..xbaik melenting2, melantun2..huhu...n the other side pun kn pk gak klo nk komen kn thu gak manusia kan x sama..n if yg nk komen tu xpnh thu or xpnh fhm sesuatu keadaan tu, better just wait n see..keep calm...everybody have their own brain to think n heart to feel...
keep calm..that is the better way..klo nk meletup tu, meletup la think..should i do this or that??? klo calm sgt n rilex je..lm2 lpas da simpan berbakul2...limit sabar da brgoyang2..maw lg dasat dy meletup kan..huhu..well, be the fire will let people know that u are hot n not easy to deal with n u can keep burning or explode at any the wind and let the people know u can calm them but to aware that u can be a the earth and let the people know they will get the best from u but they should notice that u may become a desert...n then, be the water...yeah, it is really comforting n cool..but remember..the cool water will definitely may turn to become tsunami..
be the way u wanna be..believe in urself and please note other people feeling too~
sori, entry yg agak emo kot..from the unmatured girl..huhu
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
my life is twisted now..kinda..but..lantakla org nk ckp apa..ak ttp ak..cemana pun physical appearance ak, as long as ak selesa n thu apa yg ak buat...tu da cukup bagus...kenapa org xnpk gajah depan mata n npk kuman seberang laut?huhu..maybe sb tu la peribahasa tu mudah npk yg jauh utk dy tegur, or even kondem psl bnda yg dekat ngn diri sendiri, dy xnpk...hurm..ak taw ak xbaik cm org lain, xsolehah cm org lain..ak taw ak da berubah dr first tym org knal ak..mungkin xnk ak berubah jd lg teruk then bg 'nasihat' mcm tu..kasar la kawan..ak ikhlas nasihatkan dy yg tgh down, dy boleh hentam ak..xpa...point taken.dont ever give any advise to a friend that is stubborn....huhu..anyway, thanx a lot for ur kind reminder...i will always remember..
Friday, June 4, 2010
somewhere i belong
esk pg, around kul 11pg, da nk blik penang...sgt2 happy lani..xpnh lg blik png stakat hujung2 minggu ni..hehe...kli ni balik pun sbab kak itah ajak tmn dy blik sb abg dy nk ok la kan..leh blik umah gak..weeehuuuu...
hurm, ptg td rs cm da xd smngt nk sambung bnda yg trtgl..p sana, p sini..otak ak pun cm da tanggungjawab..kna buat jugak la kan..hope ad hikmah di atas setiap kejadian..senang susah da ditentukan..terpulang kat kita nk cope cemana ngn situation tu....
hopefully kepulangan ak ke pulau pinang yg tercinta ni bleh bg ak semnagat nk ambik xm setelah sem lpas mencatat sejarah dlm hidup ak..sgt2 ak kena lupakan semua sedih2 tu n move forward.. :)
well, ak rs lain la pulak nk balik kali ni..maybe sb xpnah mcm ni kot..balik tgh2 sem..selalunya balik hujung2 sem..hehe...
semoga perjalanan pergi n balik ak ngn kak itah selamat n xda apa2 halangan.. :)
hurm, ptg td rs cm da xd smngt nk sambung bnda yg trtgl..p sana, p sini..otak ak pun cm da tanggungjawab..kna buat jugak la kan..hope ad hikmah di atas setiap kejadian..senang susah da ditentukan..terpulang kat kita nk cope cemana ngn situation tu....
hopefully kepulangan ak ke pulau pinang yg tercinta ni bleh bg ak semnagat nk ambik xm setelah sem lpas mencatat sejarah dlm hidup ak..sgt2 ak kena lupakan semua sedih2 tu n move forward.. :)
well, ak rs lain la pulak nk balik kali ni..maybe sb xpnah mcm ni kot..balik tgh2 sem..selalunya balik hujung2 sem..hehe...
semoga perjalanan pergi n balik ak ngn kak itah selamat n xda apa2 halangan.. :)
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
~one in a million~
You're one in a million
You're one in a million
Sometimes I can't hate you every day
Sometimes you can fall for everyone you see
Only one can really make me stay
A sign from the sky
Said to me
You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover all the stars above us
You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover all the stars above us
I've been looking for that special one
And I've been searching for someone to give my love
And when I thought that all the hope was gone
You smile, there you were and I was gone
I always will remember how I felt that day
A feeling indescribable to me
I always knew there was an answer for my prayer
And you, you're the one for me
[Chorus x 2]
I was cool and everything was possible
You tried to catch me but it wasn't possible
Nobody could hurt me it was my game
Until I met you baby and went insane
And when you didn't want me, I wanted you
Because the finer thing bout it was I like to go
I like it when its difficult I like it when it's hard
You know it's worth it if ya find your heart
[Chorus x 2]
You're one in a million
You're one in a million
by bosson
actually, ni lagu yg ak tgh suka skrg..mmg repeat2 lgu ni ja satu hari..huhu..ak xtaw cemana tetba bleh gila kat lgu ni..maybe melody n lyrics dy kot..bknnya lagu baru pun kan..ntah lagu ni zmn ak rs best sgt dgr lagu ni..hehe...ak jumpa lagu ni kat folder lgu english dlm lappy..hehe..xtawla dr sapa ak sedut lagu ni..n lagu ni xd kn mgna pun ngn life ak skrg..agagagaga :)
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
huish..tajuk entry yg ala2 bnda la pulak ak nk merepek kat entry ni..tetba rs terpanggilhurm..terpanggila nk tulis psl kebenaran, truth....
ssh kan nk ckp yg betul..kdg2 sb org lain bg nasihat berbakul2 kat kita, lpas kita bc ap2 artikel or tgk ap2 cerita..kita akan terdorong untk ckp satu statement..kan...pdhal bila kita dok diam2 n pk blik ap yg kita ckp tu, kdg2 da lari dr ap yg selama ni kita buat, kita pgg...
betapa sshnya seseorang tu nk stick kat pndapat dy..klo dy btl2 pgg pendapat tu, org ckp dy degil..xpun dy nk menegakkan benang yg kita kn ttpkan hati kita, which one can be called as an absolute truth????oh, terspeaking lak daku..huhu
actually ak slalu jd cm tu...dlm hidup ak..kdg2 ak rs cm xjujur kat dr sendiri..cthnya, mcm jiwa ak nk something, tp sb bila otak ak pk betul2, ak xkn dpt ap yg ak nak tu n ak rs bukan ms dy lg..ak ckp xnk..then jiwa ak lebam wooo..huhu..maafkan saya, jiwa n hati...selalu berlaku kejam~even da thu hati tu da trlalu byk plaster berubat yg ditampal~~huhu
whatever it is, ak still stick kat satu good to others, even u might get hurt..tu yg mak ak pesan~huhu....
but we have to move on, rite????hurm~
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