Saturday, August 29, 2009

tekanan perasaan dan emosi...

fantasi sailormoonku nur munira binti hamid at Saturday, August 29, 2009 0 power rangers yang comel
who can predict it
a few minutes before
i feel very happy
ok, not so hapy
but just say that i m happy

suddenly each part of my life
becomes worst one by one
i dont know how to cope with it suddenly
i feel my stress level slowly increase
i cant take this feeling anymore
or in othher words
i need to undrstand and learn hw to trust
especially when someone told u
to believe in him/her
its NOTHING!!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

my birthday!!!!

fantasi sailormoonku nur munira binti hamid at Friday, August 28, 2009 0 power rangers yang comel
26th augut 2009
my 21st birthday....
happily celebrate it...:D
thanx kat semua yg wish...
ramai kwn2 yg wish...
luv u guys....
thn ni dpt wish dr kwn2 baru...
means dak2 silat...
ak xkn lupa time penghuni2 keta abg saiful nyanyi lagu"allah selamatkan kamu" kt aku...
penghuni2 keta tu adalah kak lin, miza, kak fiza, kam, and abg saiful..
ak sgt2 terharu...
xsgka plak ada org yg nak nyanyi camtuh..
best!!! yg wish kt fb, kt fs...
kak imah, kak farihah, sara, adli, afiq, jijan, kak anis, aimi, mista chike, jah,wany, kak mel, hasana, aida, natrah, kak shad....
and maybe ada lg..
and classmate aku..
with their sentimental value of present....
ye aa..tgh berhempas pulas bt report lab..huhu
wani ngn ketas handbill ape tah..
tulis happy bithday kat blkg tuh..
so spontaneous
tiqa dgn ketas a4 garis2 yg mengandungi wasiatnya..
so classic..
and paan...
dgn roll on perfume and bekas rotan tu...
freshly from her locker..
so romantic...
ap2 pon, ak sgt appreciate sb depa bg time saa akhir bt report dgn stressnya..
thanks dears!!!!
my roomate...
athirah baharudin..
keje gila btul minah nih..
lkat ketas kcik2 tulis happy birthday kat softboard ak..
dgn hadiah kat tgh2 tuh...
jiwang gak minah nih..
ntah bila la dia lekat...
time ak p kelas kot...
thanks my dear!!!
semua ni da bg ak puas ati...
even ak xda "special someone" yg wish utk ak...
thanx friends....
and a very2 extra thanks and love for my mom
that gave birth to me at 26 august 1988
i know its very hard...
and my dad ..
that have give me his love and protection
all of this time
and for my siblings
my beloved siblings
that love and care for me for the past 20 years.. 21 now..
but ur little sister is still the same like before...
u will not lose ur adik manja..haha
thanks guys!!!
luv u all!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


fantasi sailormoonku nur munira binti hamid at Sunday, August 23, 2009 0 power rangers yang comel
i dunno why....
last nite....
when im reading a novel....
not a love novel...
a patriotic novel....
i cried....
not because the patriotic feeling....
but the person in the novel died about 2 days before eid mubarak...
and he is planned to get married in the 3rd day of the eid...
he died beacuse of an attack by a comunist.....
his mother cant accept the fact...
and then...
i cried...
but as times goes by...
im still crying...
wat da.....
and then...
i realise....
im not crying because of the story.....
it is because i suddenly remembering something...
that always make my heart cry, sad and feels like....
its gonna explode at that time....
but why i need to cry...
it doesnt want to stop..
i hate it!!!!
it was a long time since i last cried....
especially because of that 'something'....
i felt like im aloser...
crying because of that 'something'
'something' that i damnly want to forget....
just get out of my life....

Monday, August 10, 2009

weekend at pd..

fantasi sailormoonku nur munira binti hamid at Monday, August 10, 2009 0 power rangers yang comel
ak blik dr pd smlm..blik bwk hdiah.....aku demam!!!!huhu...sedih....takleh p kelas...takleh menimba ilmu...huhu...bgus je ak xla demam cam yg ak pnah demam sblum ni...selalunya kalo demam, ak mmg cam nazak sguh..kali cm tak demam sgt..hihi...parents kat umah da risau sb ak demam...sbnya kalo aku demam...mmg teruk n takleh bgn lgsg..huhu..kali kira ok la..nsib xkena kuarantin....isk..mtk djauhkanla...huhu...

cerita pasal port dickson a.k.a pd.....ak p mclead kat lead tuh utk mahallah representative committees a.k.a bleh jmpa mrc mhlh laen n dpt byk sgt input utk jd mrc..and dpt tmbhkan keyakinan ak nih..huhu...mula2 smpai cam gerun gak la sb yg p tuh suma mrc..muka2 leader..huhu...serius ak bl da lama n pk blik aku pun sm cam depa yg laen gak..still a leader..just maybe experience yg membezakan, xsemestinya kalo line up utk mrc tu takpnh ada xperience, program xjln kan..hmmm....ak n kwn2 mrc aku akan bt yg trbaik utk jdkan mrc asiah dipdg tinggi nanti..huih...tak sbq2nya nak buat program..nk collaborate ngn mrc yg len..huhu..hope everything will be fine..hehe....

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

new life!!!!

fantasi sailormoonku nur munira binti hamid at Tuesday, August 04, 2009 0 power rangers yang comel
skang ni br ak rs cam da msuk sem sb ak br rs tunggang langgangnya idup aku byk bnda bru yg ak buat sem ni...ak xpnah rncg ak akn bt bnda2 tetba ja ak minat and jadi..huhu...

dulu aku jrg ol....lani..kat blik ak da ada wifi uia..blehla aku ol yg tak beshnya, kdg2 blog n fesbuk aku takleh bukak..huhu..sedih...

sem ni ak cam akn bz ngn mrc untuk mahallah asiah..dulu pnah gak teringt nk ntah mls je nk apply..sem ni dapat plak..mybe berkat galakan fellow ak ni kot..haha..thanks menakutkan ja join kn amik taw and care pasal seluruh penghuni mahallah asiah...besaq tuh responsibility...ak plak dpat biro residential n internatonal affairs..huhu..sape soh ak gatal ckp aku nk biro nih..siap bleh bg ayat2 gempak untk meyakinkan madam2 yg interview ak..huhu..padahal..ak suka nama dia cam sedap...sumpah..haha..swel pas beberapa meeting and jmpa senior R n I, adala bertambah sikit keyakinan dlm jiwa nh..haha..emmm weekend ni nak kena join mclead...untuk mrc2 yg br ak xnak outdootrbyk sgt...xskaaaa!!!!!!nti dkat bpa bulan br ilang sunburn aku...huhu....

aku makin rjin p sb da biasa and cm dpt smgt bru...tmbh2 plak ak tak grad2 lg dr slalu je ad prob time nk ijazah....ak pnah repeat kelas jatuh..and now, ak tgh repeat kelas potong skit ati je rs..huhu..xpe..suma tuh dugaan untuk aku..aku kn sbq byk2..huhu..mudah2an ak dpat grad gak satu hr nant..huhu..hope dpt kepujian time konvo..pegh..buat buah pun xkemas...haha....buah kilas hadapaaaaaaaannnnn....haha...

sabtu arituh, kuaq ngn kak fiza, kak lin n xpgl kam kak kam ek???sdgkn spatutnya begitu..huhu...haha..nver mind..tersedak kam..hihi..ok...kmbali ke main point...akbli handbag..emmm..handbag ke kalo besaq nala lgu tuh?tak kesahla..asalkan pink...haha...before nih..ak bwk beg skoah je p kelas..sem ni nk mencuba bnda beg skolah tuh cm da nazak..and beg kitty ak da nk trkoyak..tak sgup tgk beg tu koyak..huhu..da la the only kak ipaq yg, start mgu ni, ak pon bwkla handbag pink aku tuh..waahhh..bahagia btl...da kaler pink...haha...tpiiiiii....kalo ltak buku fluid mechanics ja ak dh rs cam nk tercabut bahu td ak br bli bku intro to thermal science and heat pgg dua2 tuh...ak tak ska pgg2 buku kat td cam cool ja..haha...

hmm...ak akan usaha sebaik mungkin untuk adapt ngn environment bru nih...yg ak jrg buat or xpnah involve sblum nih...lbih krg cam my new life la...lani ak bleh bt ap2 ja yg aku nak bt.just pk pasal diri aku n xpyh pk 'org lain' nk komen ap...phm2la 'org lain' tuh sapa..aman rsnya hidup ak ak da lm tak npk 'org lain' tuh...serius ak rs hepi n bahagia lani..da tkda byg2 dia new live is just started.thanx byk2 kat kawan2, akak2, and sapa2 ja yg pnah bg nasihat kat aku utk start hidup bru n tak sedih2 lg...hehe...thnx sgt!!

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